Hello and welcome to my journey.
I recently decided that 2012 marked the 'Beginning of trying new things'!
So I decided the first new thing I am going to try is Skate boarding. Keep in mind I am 30something with 2 children almost 3yrs and another 4yrs SO learning to skate is probably not on the list of 'necessities' to do right now.
However I have always thought about it, convincing myself that I just wouldn't be able to do it.
I have never done anything like this before, to say I'm sporty would be 'funny' really and definitely skating is stepping OUT of my comfort zone.
It was Christmas when it dawned on me after my sister in law came home with a skate board (yeh she is one of the gals that can do 'anything' sporty - surfing, skating, kick boxing etc) and I heard this little voice within say 'oh I wish I could skate, I'd love one of those!'. Well that is absolute rubbish.. No more of that I say.. Mama's gonna TRY!
My new skate board arrives this week and I will be documenting my journey - good and bad.. I feel as though I am accountable to keep trying if I'm blogging about it. I don't even know if anyone will be reading this but it will be a great reflection for later when I'm having those 'moments'.
Well signing for now.
A pic of what my new board will look like -