May 30, 2012

Getting that list together...

I have been reading and chatting to people about the effects when trying new things..
Excitement, energised, motivated, inspired - you really have to love these words nothing NEG in there so no harm in trying something new!

Normally we choose something out of the ordinary for a new year resolution and sometimes are forgotten by January 3rd. This 'trying new things' regularly could quite possibly be a new way for us to take that leap.

I have started my LIST and will share it, it's in no particular order just random ideas that I definitely want to try.
My rule to myself is I can only try something new once I have achieved my previous challenge/goal. Not to say the I will be skating at skate parks on the half pipe but that I am confidentially boarding with no fear of falling.

  • Surfing
  • Perfecting my Italian conversation
  • Baking and decorating a cake
  • Running 12k without collapsing, ok let's start with 6k
  • Moving house again without stressing out
  • Performing in a local theatre group play 
  • Singing lessons
  • Trapeze 
  • Re discovering my inner peace through meditation & Yoga
  • Print and bind my Children's book I wrote a million years ago for my kids

As I write I get excited and more ideas appear, I will add to my list and would love you to send me yours... I will create another page 'The LISTS!'  your list could inspire someone else.


May 15, 2012

Another Mama who is gonna try.. Italiano!!

I would like to introduce you to a Mama who is gonna try!
Bec - has graciously shared her next challenge with us. Bec is a mother of 3 girls, yes she is busy and very happy BUT wanted to do something for herself as well, something that she always thinks about.  
We will be following Bec's story and I have to say I AM EXCITED!

This Mamas Gonna Try... TO LEARN (and eat) ITALIAN(O)!

Right, so now that my wedding is out of the way, (the best wedding ever!) I have sooooo much spare time on my hands.  Ha ha. So I have decided, that in between school runs, kinder pick ups, toddler wrangling, play dates, arts n crafts, gymnastics, swimming, tennis, netball, paid part time work and domestic duties, I am going to master a language!!!  I need mental stimulation, a goal, a ME thing, and once I am fluent (or as close as I can get) I NEED a 2 week trip to Italy, with the kids at home safe and sound with their Dad – a challenge for us all!

Why Italian?  Well, OK I will be honest… I learnt a little at school, practiced a little when in Europe, so I already have the basics.  And now that my 6 year old is studying at School, I can hopefully help her – or more likely she will help me. And I lurve Italian food, I want to eat more, and I love Italys sights and sounds and life and soul, I can’t wait to go back, and I want to have a grown up adventure, so Italy, here I come… eventually…

Incentive – Check
Time – um check
Will power – check
HOW – hmmm, good question! Just how am I going to do this??

To be continued…